How to get current state on Mecanim?

I am using this tutorial as guide - YouTube but it calls which seems to have been removed from the class.

I want to call my “Atak2” if Atak_Key is pressed during “Atak1”:


if( == "Atak1" && Input.GetKey("Atak_Key"))
     //Set bool on mecanim to call animation Atak2

How to do it now?

How About using something like this:

    if( anim_Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("MyAnimationName"))
     //Do something if this particular state is palying

This Function returns true when the string is the same as teh StateName you play currently.
Else false.

Check out the latest Mecanim tutorial download, which has changed code since the beta. I was just dealing with integrating all the mecanim animator changes today.

Here’s an example of how they set it up. This is assuming your base layer is named “Base”:

static int atakState = Animator.StringToHash("Base.Atak1");	

void Start (){
	anim = GetComponent<Animator>();					  

void FixedUpdate ()
    currentBaseState = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);

    if (currentBaseState.nameHash == atakState){
         Debug.Log("Do Stuff Here");