I want to know how to get a damage variable from another object with its own script attached.
I have a collision object that deals damage and 2 sword object with its own script attached.
Swords have a script where they are setting their transform with the players hand and public int Damage.
I have a collision object ( child of a player that gets activated when the player attacks) with script that deals damage to enemy.Collision object has a box collider set to triger and public intingeer called Ddamage;
I want to know how can I make the Ddamage have the same number as a damage in the sword ?
I have tried this ( In the start method
( PlayerSword = GetComponnent();
Ddamage = PlayerSword.DAMAGE)
I don’t know what is wrong.I must be blind or big Id**t I can’t find a way how to make this work.
Does anybody knows how to fix this ?