How to get force applied to object during FixedUpdate

In my game, I have colliders that trigger the ‘levitation’ of rigidbody objects. The problem is that when an object touches two collider triggers, the lifting force is doubled by the additive forces. The triggers do not overlap, but the objects can be touching two triggers at the same time, causing the problem.

What I would like is to examine the force already applied during this FixedUpdate. If the upward force is already equal or greater to the force needed, scripts would not add additional force as the goal is already ‘acheived’.

Can folks suggest how I would solve this? Thanks!

Create some sort of controller for the conveyor belts. When a conveyor belt triggers on an object, pass it to the controller. The controller will apply a force to all the affected object during fixed update.

You should average all the force direction vectors and then multiple the average by the desired magnitude to get the final force vector to apply.