How to get input field text as a variable

Ok so i am still a beginner in unity and code in general, and i want to create an input field where the game can take what you put in and show it at another point i time, could you also show me where to put everything i the inspector because i never seem to know where to put what, Thank You.

This isn’t about us writing your game. This about YOU writing the game, having a specific error, and coming here to ask pointed refined meaningful questions about that error.

The only cure for this is for you to work through some tutorials, and by “work through” I don’t mean press PLAY and sit back. You need to understand 100% of what is in there, or as best you can. Do it with Unity open and with you working in Unity, pausing and rewind the tutorial, and expect that a 10-minute tutorial might take a lot longer to actually “work through.” That’s how learning is.

I recommend Brackeys tutorials generally, but the Unity UI tutorials (UI is where an input field will be) are also quite useful.

If you run into trouble, here is how to report problems productively in the Unity3D forums:

Help us to help you.