How to get interacting input device(left or right controller) in XRI 3.0.7?. XRcontroller is deprecated in XRi 3.0.7

I am new to XR development. XRBaseInteractor pullingInteractor.TryGetComponent(out XRController controller) is giving deprecated warning.

1. Use IXRSelectInteractor Interface

If you’re dealing with an interactor in general, it’s better to work with interfaces such as IXRSelectInteractor rather than concrete types like XRBaseInteractor. For example:


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if (pullingInteractor is IXRSelectInteractor interactor && 
    interactor.transform.TryGetComponent(out XRController controller))
    // Work with the XRController here

This ensures your code is compatible with a wider range of interactor types and adheres to the latest best practices.

2. Handle Controller Retrieval Properly

Depending on your needs, you may want to retrieve the controller directly through the XRController component instead of relying on the interactor. For example:


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XRController controller = pullingInteractor.GetComponent<XRController>();
if (controller != null)
    // Work with the controller

The TryGetComponent method remains valid but may be discouraged in newer updates.

3. Check Documentation for Deprecation Notes

Unity typically provides detailed notes in the API documentation or upgrade guides for deprecated features. Check the latest XR Interaction Toolkit documentation to confirm.

4. Update to the Latest XR Toolkit Version

Ensure you are using the latest stable version of the XR Interaction Toolkit. The package is updated frequently, and many deprecations are introduced to support new features.

  • Open Package Manager in Unity.
  • Search for XR Interaction Toolkit.
  • Update to the latest version if available.

5. Example of Updated Code

Here’s an updated example that avoids deprecation warnings:


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using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit;

public class YourScript : MonoBehaviour
    public XRBaseInteractor pullingInteractor;

    void Start()
        if (pullingInteractor is XRBaseControllerInteractor controllerInteractor && 
            controllerInteractor.xrController != null)
            XRController controller = controllerInteractor.xrController;
            // Do something with the XRController
            Debug.Log("Controller found: " + controller);
            Debug.LogWarning("XRController could not be retrieved.");

This approach ensures compatibility with newer toolkit standards by directly using the xrController property of XRBaseControllerInteractor.