How to get iphone trial licence?


some month ago, I have brought a pro (basic) licence for unity .

Today, I would like to try the Iphone iphone development and so I need the Iphone Trial licence.

How can I get it withought loose my basic licence?

Thanks in advance,

You mixed up a few things:

  1. there is no basic license for unity. either its the free or Pro :slight_smile:
  2. You can not do that. You can only have 1 license active at a time and iOS / android don’t exist as standalone licenses anyway, only as addons to a desktop license. What you want to do is move away the current license file / rename it (its in your users folder/AppData/ and then I think localLow/Pace …) and then active your unity with the Pro trial and later on put back in your license into that place.
    If you already used the Pro trial then only the support can lend you a hand and grant you a second trial as the trial covers pro - ios pro - android pro

Thanks, I’ll try to do that.

Do you know where is the licence on OSX? :smile:

no. contact unity support. we are not unity support. skype them or something, see Unity Customer Service: Technical Support & Training | Unity

Ho Thanks hippocoder, I maybe misunderstood when I read “Unity Support” in the title of this section…:confused:

yupp, /Library/application support/Pace Anti-Piracy/License Files

it used to be mentioned in the docs, it might still be there but as I know where it is I didn’t check the U3 docs

@hippocoder: Weren’t you the one starting the thread on cyberbullying and not tolerating it? If so could you please scold yourself and punish you for being a cyber bully or at least stop rampaging around like a cyber monkeytroll if you don’t want to contribute anything meaningful

Thank you dreamora!

Apparently it’s seems to be the free version when I want to reactivate a new license. Maybe because I’ve already activate a pro trial license in the past…I can’t build for iphone with the licence who is giving to me.

I’m offering a practical solution. Grab some coffee :slight_smile:

You do not encourage users to fiddle with licensing. That is a job for unity support. In cases like this, the user is 100% better served by unity with a genuine extension of a trial license (they do this if you contact support) and so on.

Unity are VERY helpful if your trial runs out for some reason or other, or you didn’t get to trial mobile, especially if contacted directly (email is more like snail mail sometimes).

Your comment, is frankly bizarre and the coffee is in the kitchen.

The license rename is not to extend the trial but to activate it at all. You can’t extend the trial to my knowledge without an additional license being granted to your hardware, at least I have not heard nor seen any way in the past 3.x years.

After you enabled a real license the above will enable you to rename it, activate unity into the pro trial and once it ran out or you no longer want to use it, just rename the license file again to its original name (removing the trial) and your unity is enabled again in its proper licensed form without “hoping that the license system does not have its plain dumb day”. You can even reinstall the whole system and just plug it in again if the hardware didn’t change as thats your verified hardware fingerprint basically