please, does anyone know, how to get iPhone’s serial number or its UDID (UUID) in script?
Thanks a lot!
please, does anyone know, how to get iPhone’s serial number or its UDID (UUID) in script?
Thanks a lot!
I believe you can get it from within the iPhoneSettings static var’s… Look through the manual in that area I’ve forgotten the exact call to do it though
string id = iPhoneSettings.uniqueIdentifier;
Search the docs for iPhoneSettings to get the full list of vars you can get. Be sure to search the docs on your computer, not the web version.
I’m sure its a breach of privacy to harvest these, by the way
That said, Google is the biggest invasion of privacy ever, so this is nothing
If it was a breach of privacy, I doubt that Unity would have it as a feature, or that Apple would allow it. Apple does require you to notify the user when collecting such information from the user, so that’s probably where the privacy comes in.
Yeah, notifying the user makes it all okay… The user never reads anything anyway
Thanks a lot, this was helpfull
Does SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier provide the same UDID now as iPhoneSettings.UniqueIdentifier?
Yes, but you won’t be able to rely upon that for long. On the Cocoa side, take a look at the UIDevice Class Reference. uniqueIdentifier has been marked as deprecated in iOS 5.0.
In other words you have to use a plugin to get the UDID?
I’ve heard on Twitter that Apple are now rejecting (and pulling) apps that get the UDID.