Hi, I have a simple mecanim animator based on bools. The problem is that I need the transitions to happen instantly. I can see the bools changing as I would expect, but the animator doesnt update properly.
I have had this working fine in other games a while back, but now I am on 5.3.4.p3 it doesn’t seem to transition instantly anymore?
I have set have exit time to false, unticked fixed duration and set each number to 0.
This still doesn’t work though, the animations all complete their cycle before transitioning and I cannot see why! I tried using interrupts but that doesn’t work either! the frustrating thing is, two of the transitions work fine, and they are setup in exactly the same way!
Also, as a side note, if I update the transitions in the editor and play the game again, it always gives me null exception errors on my camera follow script until I restart unity! it plays fine again until I modify a transition in the animator and boom, null exception errors! (weird)