How to get permission to use MLG sprites in my game.

I want to make a MLG themed game with the original MLG sprites. Of course many of them have copyrights and I can’t violate those copyrights. Does anyone know how other games like Flappy Bird 420 got around copyright? I want to make my game free with ads.

You would probably need direct, written consent from them, and you’ll need to contact them to get the ball rolling. I don’t know a direct way to contact their legal department (if they even have one), but maybe posting on their forums would be a good place to start.

I’m looking more for the Youtube version of MLG (the joke one) like Sanic sprites or the hit marker, the guy that winks and goes “wow”, you know the joking ones?

I am unfamiliar with that Youtube channel. Perhaps you could attempt to message them on Youtube, then.