How to get physics time which application spends on the physics engine ?

The CPU Usage Profiler module tracks the time spent on the application, e.g. Physics, Scripts, Rendering time…

And how to get these items on a targer platform ?


You dont. Profiling is expensive, the functions responsible for these things will not be put into the actual build. Same with Editor scripts.

You would have to build something yourself, if it’s really important for some reason. But i’d like to know what you intend to use it for, as your actual usecase might either be resolved more easily, or not make sense to begin with.

Edit: Ok i think i misunderstood the question. The title lead me to believe you wanted that information in your finished product. To be fair, it’s a super weird title if you actually only want to get the profiler information for your game running on a different device.

The docs show you how you can connect the profiler to a remote device.

In fact, I’m using Unity for deep learning model training. However, during the training, since the game had been built, the profiler could not be used in the Editor mode, and I needed to obtain the time spent to monitor the game.

Is there some method to get these monitoring data ?

Thank you. I am trying to connect to profiler remotely, but I prefer to be able to get monitoring data through something like ProfilerRecorder.

The high level categories shown in the Profiler are calculated on the receiving Editor side of the profiling process and do not, on their own, exist as data points for a ProfilerRecorder to record. That said, you can set ProfilerRecorder to record ProfilerMarkers that would roughly map to the root samples of code executed within these categories, but this is going to be a semi-well fitting abstraction of the categories in the Profiler and a non-development Player likely doesn’t contain enough of these markers still to do this properly.

You may also be interested in the [FrameTimingManager ]( Update for Frame Timing Manager #)to get some high-level stats in release players.