How can I make a chest give a random item when its opened? I’ve searched for this and i could only find random spawn so help please. I also want to show the picture of the item that came out from the chest, like: “You got this” and picture.
There are several ways to do this, an easy way to do is to create an array of items like:
//(in this case I have a base class called Item and item names extended to Item)
Item[] items = new Item[]{Potion, Helmet, Legs, Scoll01, Scroll02}; // possible items from chest
Item GetRandomItem(Item[] items){
int randomIndex = Random.Rang(0, items.length);
return items[randomIndex];
for an more advanced system I’d use struct classes to define what chance which item has to get out of a chest like:
public struct ItemFromChestInfo{
public Item item; // Prefab
public short chance; // (0 to 99) %
private ItemFromChestInfo[] Items; // can be set in editor
Item GetRandomItemFromChest(ItemFromChestInfo[] items){
float percentage = Random.Range(0,100); // random (0 to 99) %
foreach (ItemFromChestInfo item in items) {
// Check if random is in chance
if (percentage < item.chance) {
return item.item; // returns item
// Fix chance for next item
percentage -= (int)item.chance;
I hope this helped you out
Note: that the struct has to be defined after your class, ex:
Class name{
public struct ....{