How to get rid of the RenderTexture delay in rendering?

So, I need to sample a screen space texture in the shader. (ScreenSpace Shadows, but basically this happens with various render textures).
So I have a Main Camera, and it has a script with the command buffer, which outputs a render texture by Shader.SetGlobalTexture();
Then I’m trying to reuse it inside the regular shader. BUT, it seems like it have 1 frame delay or something, resulting in floating and displacing artifacts.
I simply don’t get why is it happening? Seem like happening with any render textures from any scripts or command buffers.


The only reference I have found is this : [CommandBuffer] RenderTextures lag behind rendering
But the guy is using HDRP and my problem is Built-in. How to solve this in the Built-in?

The workaround I saw in different assets is to use child camera - then add separate script to it, then output Render Texture from that child camera - then it will be ok, but because I actually computing this texture twice (on the main camera and on the sub camera) this bringing significant performance drop. Maybe there is a way to re use this texture somehow?


This more slow version - shadow texture displacing 1 frame behind.