I’ve already installed the new package and unchecked “initialise XR on startup” in the settings, but I still get this popup. Is there anyway to suppress it? I get twice during startup and every time I’m doing something with packages.
I upgraded to try out the new UI Toolkit and have plans to ask my colleague to look at our XR code and migrate that for a while yet.
Root issue here is that the SteamVR asset is causing legacy VR to be enabled on almost every Update call. Specifically SteamVR_Settings.cs, lines 145-149. Commenting those lines out stops the issue from happening.
Please file a bug with Valve in their appropriate support location for this asset.
Hi, colleague of Stephanie here,
commenting out those (and some simillar) lines didn’t stop the popups.
I suspect that having an old SteamVR plugin (1.2.3) + VRTK (3.3) in the code is a bit too much legacy for U2020 to deal with.
Since you wrote this, the steam vr code has been updated and pointing to line 145-149 doesnt help much.
would you mind being specific which lines are you commenting out?