How to get smooth wheel rotation on android

Hi, I’m trying to make a wheel of fortune for an android game.

In Unity editor the rotation is smooth, but not on mobile. I don’t have much experience with programming so I’m getting really desperate. I changed Fixed Timestep to 0,0166, I tried FixedUpadate and Update, but still the rotation is not smooth enough.

using UnityEngine;

public class Ruleta : MonoBehaviour
    public float RotatePower;
    public float StopPower;

    private Rigidbody2D rbody;
    int inRotate;
    public float angle;

    private void Start()
        rbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();

    float t;
    private void FixedUpdate()
        angle = transform.eulerAngles.z;
        if (rbody.angularVelocity > 0)
            rbody.angularVelocity -= StopPower * Time.fixedDeltaTime;

            rbody.angularVelocity = Mathf.Clamp(rbody.angularVelocity, 0, 1440);

        if (rbody.angularVelocity == 0 && inRotate == 1)
            t += 1 * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            if (t >= 0.5f)
                inRotate = 0;
                t = 0;

    public void SelectRandomPower()
        float randomPowerIndex = Random.RandomRange((float)679.4788, (float)791.3574);
        RotatePower = randomPowerIndex;


    public void Rotate()
        if (inRotate == 0)
            inRotate = 1;

Never mind, I found that the game only runs at 20-21 fps on mobile, but I have no idea why. The game only contains the aforementioned wheel of fortune, so nothing that should be challenging for mobile . I tried adding TargetFrameRate to the script to 60, but that didn’t help either. My phone is Realme 8 Pro.

OOk, I tried to create a new project. FPS were about 30. Then I added Adaptive Performance and the FPS dropped to 21 again.
Is there any way to fix it to 60?

Turning off Adaptive Performance and Optimized Frame pacing in Player Settings helped.