I’ve postet some Help-Requests, but i don’t get an answer. Is it normal, to ignore requests? Or is it impossible, to solve my issuses?
Two of those you posted today. Have some patience as those who do help are giving you their time.
I looked at your first link and you mention that something doesn’t work. There’s not enough for me to know what your problem is. Well, actually, I have some ideas. If you need help, post clear, easy to understand questions and someone in the community will help. Post something without any really data and your question will be looked over.
I posted some advice to read the documentation for the first question in your list. As @StevenWendel said, that question is only 45 minutes old, so I don’t think you have any reason to complain about not getting attention. And the question you posted on Thursday had a response in just over 12 hours. So, not sure why you say you didn’t have an answer. Think you are being a bit incorrect with your post in this thread.
The Problem is, that the GUI Text appears with the standart Main Camera, that comes with a new Scene. But, when i use the FPS Charakter, the GUI Text disappears. I seems to be a problem with the Camera of the FPS Charakter Controller. I use standart Assets.
The thing @ the Rolling Ball Topic is, that the Picups, are Spwaning in each other or in the walls. I don’n know how to fix this.
Most people aren’t spending all their time on the forums like us.
I may as well answer it here too since this is a conglomeration thread at this point. The answer is pretty straightforward and entirely to do with the cameras themselves. A quick check of the cameras shows that there are two components missing from the FPS camera. One of them is called “GUI Layer” and that’s the one that matters this time.
Now with that said there is something I need to point out - “GUI Text” belongs to the legacy GUI system. If you want to use user interfaces, I’d highly recommend using “Text” instead. It belongs to the newer Unity 4.6+ UI system. It didn’t have this problem out of the box.
Had just found the issue, the Camera of the FirstPersonCharakter doesn’t have a GUI Layer, need find a Way to add it.
Well, sorry for my little rampage. That Problem, had killed my mind.
Click the camera, click Add Component, type “GUI” and then click the appropriate one.
Thank you. =)
You always post on my every trend And I see you in most of the trends. I am also one of those guys who uses community. And if you are online on every time when do you get time to learn :p. And I personally think that the community is more fun than the engine
Once I asked a question in answers part and I didn’t got any reply for 3 months
Answering questions is a great way to learn as it forces you to research and understand the problem in order to explain the solution. I went into the OP’s question with no idea what the actual cause was.
I haven’t checked out the threads in question, but since I think everyone should read this anyway, here it is: How to Ask Questions the Smart Way.
I think it’s also worth mentioning that nobody is obligated to help you. People help because they want to, so you should do all in your power to make them want it and to make it as easy as possible.