How to get the cinemachine 3rd person aim extension to work properly

Hello, I’ve watched the unity 3rd person video on Youtube and read the docs
I am trying to use the 3rd person aim extension for the cinemachine camera. I opened it in the sample scene that comes with cinemachine and saw the initial green cross hair but not the additional red one that shows where the camera would raycast would hit.

In my own project i added the extension, set the follow target as said in the docs and a rect for the aim but i don’t see anything show up when the virtual camera is active. I also have a follow zoom extension on the same Vcam and i can see that working correctly.
Is there something i’m missing to properly use this extension?

Which version of Cinemachine are you using, and what sample scene did you open?

The reticle stuff is not actually part of Cinemachine proper, it’s implemented by custom scripts in the sample scene, which you’re welcome to use and modify for your own purposes.