How to get the current items in my inventory with respective stock of the items

Hi!! I’m making a simple dungeon crawler for mobile but I’m not experienced with C#. So, I just want to display the item in the player’s inventory when he collides with items. I’m using a dedicated item class that holds the info of that item and an inventory class that accesses the item class list, etc.
This is the Item Class:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Items : MonoBehaviour
    public static List<Items> listItem = new List<Items>();

    public string name;
    public string type;
    public Items(string n, string t)
    {  = n;
        this.type = t;

    //Default Constructor
    public Items()



Inventory Class:

using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Inventory : MonoBehaviour

    public Text title;
    public Text countItem;
    Items item;

    void Start()
        item = new Items();

    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)

      // Checking for the item collision

        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "item")
            Items currItem = collision.gameObject.GetComponent<Items>();
            //getting the data of the item collided
           item.type = currItem.type;
            //storing in string for checking the condition
            string name =;
            string type = item.type;

            //Adding the item collided

            //Displaying the title of item in text
            title.text =;

            // Displaying the current stock of that single item in text  (which isn't working)  
            countItem.text = (Items.listItem.Count(x => == name)).ToString();





This is the problem here, instead of displaying just the “Axe” count, it’s displaying the whole list!
Please help me.

Fixed it myself :slight_smile:

var numbperItem = Items.listItem.GroupBy(x => x.type);
                foreach (var group in numbperItem)
                      print("Items Type: " + group.Key + "

" + "Item Count: "+ group.Count());