Hi, My question is how can I retrieve and store the eye-tracking/eye gaze data (such as the coordinate position of where the user is looking at different timestamps or the heatmap) with HoloLens 2 and MRTK?
I have seen some C# codes for getting the direction and origin of the gaze but I have no idea where to put them or where/how to add them.
Is it possible to retrieve and store such data without doing coding and directly from within Unity and MRTK?
If no, then how can I do that with coding? and where to find the retrieved data?
In the MRTK you can save eye tracking data to file on the headset using the DemoVisualiser example project. It is easiest to saved to the known folder on the headset e.g. Videos Music or Photos. Other wise you need to use a web browser to access the files via WiFi with the headset.
The script for selecting the folder is BasicInputLogger, Line 42.
private StorageFolder logRootFolder = KnownFolders.MusicLibrary;
this will cave a .csv file of the eye tracking data in the Music folder on the headset.
In the Unity Build settings you have to enable access to write to these folders:
I am trying to do the same thing by saving the eye gaze data (what the user is looking at at what time ) as a csv file, but I can’t add the script to the gameobjects since it’s an abstract class,
I’m not very familiar with C# as I’m learning along the way, but can you tell how to configure the gameobjects so I can save that data
I’m doing exactly what you said. I even tried on the demo scenes and checked the Capabilities, but somehow I don’t get the csv-File in the MusicLibary. Not only that, but I tried with other Folders, but it didn’t changed anything.
I followed all the steps and enables access but still don’t find a .csv file. I also do not get a playback during the examples scene(it just instantly says “playback done!”), so I think it just doesn’t even record the data in the first place. Any solutions please?