how to get the GameObject[] that my player touching

I have this script

if (collision.gameObject == convey[0])
            pointCube.transform.Translate(convey[].transform.forward * speed);

How do i get the convey number that the pointCube gameobject is touching, then get the forward vector of that convey?

Use the Unity inbuilt function:

// If the object is a trigger
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other) {


// If the object is not a trigger
void OnCollisionEnter (Collision other) {


Then inside the function oyu want/ or both write:

// Check if it is the object I want
if (other == objectIAmLookingFor) {
     // Get the forward transform         
     Vector forwardVec = other.transform.forward;

     // Do with the forwardVec what you want
    DoSomethingWithVec (forwardVec);

int i=convey.Length;
if (collision.gameObject == convey*)*
{print("my convey number is "+i);
pointCube.transform.Translate(convey_.transform.forward * speed);_

If you only need to know whether the object hit is one of the convey elements, do the following:

void OnCollisionEnter (Collision other) {
    GameObject hitObj = other.gameObject; // hitObj = the game object we collided with
    foreach (GameObject conveyElement in convey){ // search it in the convey array
        if (hitObj == conveyElement){ 
            // if hitObj found in convey[], get its forward direction directly from it
            pointCube.transform.Translate(hitObj.transform.forward * speed);
            return; // and bye bye

Another solution would be to create a specific tag (“convey”) and assign it to all objects you’re currently listing in convey (you would not need this array anymore).

void OnCollisionEnter (Collision other) {
    GameObject hitObj = other.gameObject; // hitObj = the game object we collided with
    if (hitObj.CompareTag("convey")){ // is it an object tagged "convey"?
        // yes, get its forward direction directly from it
        pointCube.transform.Translate(hitObj.transform.forward * speed);

But if you really need to know the index of the hit object in the convey array, use @toddisarockstar answer.