How to get this look in modeling with blender?

I havent really been able to, im still new with blender and every time I try to make this look it comes out boxy and low poly. What is this look called and how can I replicate it?

I believe the “look” as you call it is simply having more polys and more smooth detail. Sometimes, the quickest way to get something like this is to use the Subsurf modifier set to Catmull-Rom. It creates more polys, making things smoother, and the you can move the “cage” around to get things where they belong. You can also adjust how many levels of smoothness it has to control just how many polys you get.

Basically, to get smoother geometry, you need more of it. The modifier I mention is one way, though you can also do things manually if you would like.

something like this? Screenshot - 4938364128b14c99c88d6764228cd46d - Gyazo

That looks right. I recommend though that when using this method you work with quads only, as the subsurf modifier works best with quads and you get better cleaner results.

I also recommend you take a look at learning about edge creasing and marking edges sharp. Edge creasing will allow you to make an edge “sharper” for the purposes of the subsurf modifier. For example, if you make a corner of your mesh 100% creased, than the subsurf result will be fully in line with that edge. Way back before that feature existed, the only way to get that to happen was to create more edge loops, but now you can use the creasing feature. And you have control over the percentage on a per edge basis between 0 and 100% so you can vary it in order to get the exact result you want.

I mention the marking edges sharp as well. This is separate from the creasing feature and actually works separate from the subsurf modifier. Right now in your model, even though you have more geometry, you still don’t have the smoothness, rather you can see the individual quads, even after doing the subsurf. For smooth surfaces, you want to make the normals smooth. This will make each vertex have only one normal, which would point directly away from the surface, making lighting nice and smooth, even if you don’t have too many polys. But, sometimes you do want to have sharp edges. If you add the edge split modifier, it will make certain edges sharp based off of the angle you choose, based off of the edges you specifically mark sharp, or both. This will make all the difference in that smooth look you are going for.

Did you smooth your models? This is a lowpoly model with smooth shading applied on it. I thing your model is flat shaded.