I am trying to mirror rotational movement of a camera onto another object. note: I can not simply make the object a child as the object happens to be a servo that’s run via Arduino. I have all the software running well… so for example I can move a slider within Unity and this moves the servo… but now I’d like to have the servo move in relation to main camera.
Overview: I have an Oculus Rift head mounted Display. When the user turns his head the servo should also turn. I have 2 servos. One for the X-axis & one for the y-axis.
Here’s the code that I am altering I need to change the function " void OnGUI() " which is currently a horizontal slider to the main camera’s transform.eulerAngles.x yes ??
public class Servo : MonoBehaviour {
public Arduino arduino;
public GameObject camera;
public int servo_pin = 9;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
arduino = Arduino.global;
arduino.Log = (s) => Debug.Log("Arduino: " +s);
Debug.Log("set pin mode");
arduino.pinMode(servo_pin, PinMode.SERVO);
int servo_pos = 90;
void OnGUI()
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(300, 400, Screen.width/3, Screen.height-100));
int new_servo_pos = (int)GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(servo_pos, 0, 180, GUILayout.Height(21), GUILayout.Width(150));
if (new_servo_pos != servo_pos)
arduino.analogWrite(servo_pin, (int)new_servo_pos);
servo_pos = new_servo_pos;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0,0,servo_pos);
SO my updated code looks something like this:
void Start () {
arduino = Arduino.global;
arduino.Log = (s) => Debug.Log("Arduino: " +s);
Debug.Log("set pin mode");
arduino.pinMode(servo_pin, PinMode.SERVO);
float servo_pos = 90;
void MoveCam()
float new_servo_pos = this.transform.eulerAngles.x;
if (new_servo_pos != servo_pos)
Debug.Log("PLEASE PLEASE WORK !!!!");
arduino.analogWrite(servo_pin, (int)new_servo_pos);
servo_pos = new_servo_pos;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0,0,servo_pos);
So as you can see I am having difficulty changing a float to an int… & apart from that I get no error if I use only floats. The code runs with no errors but I can not see the DEBUG Print "PLEASE PLEASE " so I think perhaps I’m simply not calling the MoveCam(); function.