Ok so I am moving the player via transform.Translate for a third person platformer. And I have a rigidbody attached to the player only for the collisions, and add force.
When I use transform.Translate, the wall collisions are jittery. Which makes sense since transform.Translate doesn’t respect the rigidbody physics.
So I tried to switch my movement to AddRelativeForce() but I was running into speed cap issues and most importantly, lots of sliding (which again, makes complete sense). And for a third person platformer slipperiness doesn’t work well (unless you were on ice I guess).
I really like using transform.Translate for the precision, is there any way I could continue using it while keeping rigidbody physics intact? So far, I’m not seeing any other way to do it within the rigidbody physics
Thanks in advance! Actual code is appreciated!
Also here is the translate code:
//adjust is a value that moves the player over slants and slopes
//accel goes up to 20f
//horizontal is the joystick input
transform.Translate (new Vector3(0f,adjust,1f) * accel * horizontal * Time.deltaTime);