how to get value of list items from different script

Hello everyone,
How to get values of list of items from different script?
there is a list of four elements containing all players position in a race. Element 0 is player position and other Elements are AI players position and positions are updating during race whole time. this is the script which creating this list (If this can help):

// Description : LapCounter.cs : Use to calculate and display on screen laps and position for each car.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;                                                                                                 //This allows the IComparable Interface
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
using Photon.Realtime;
using Photon.Pun.UtilityScripts;
using Photon.Pun;

public class LapCounter : MonoBehaviour {

    public Game_Manager                                         gameManager;                                // Access the Game_Mananger component
    public bool                                                 SeeInspector = false;                        // use on custom editor to see all the variables
    public bool                                                    b_Pause = false;                            // use for pause Mode
    public Color GizmoColor = new Color(1,.92f,.016f,.5f);                                                    // Gizmo color for the la counter gameObject

    public bool                                                    b_ActivateLapCounter = true;                // if true : the Lap Counter is activated
    public int                                                    lapNumber = 3;                                // know the number of lap in a race

    public List<CarPathFollow>                                     car = new List<CarPathFollow> ();            // access CarPathFollow componentn for each car
    public List<CarController>                                     carController = new List<CarController> ();    // access CarController component for each car
    public List<float>                                             carProgressDistance = new List<float> ();    // know the progression of each car during the race
    public List<int>                                             carLap = new List<int> ();                    // know the number of lap done for each car
    public List<float>                                             carTime = new List<float> ();                // know the time in race for each car
    public List<bool>                                             raceFinished = new List<bool> ();            // Know if the race is finisg-hed for each car
    //public List<int>                                             carPositionAtEnd = new List<int> ();        // Know if a car is on 1 2 3 4 position in a race when race is finished
    public List<int>                                             carPosition = new List<int> ();                // Know if a car is on 1 2 3 4 position in a race
    public float                                                 Timer = 0;                                    // global race timer
    public bool                                                 startTimer = false;                            // know if the timer starts

    private UnityStandardAssets.Utility.WaypointCircuit         Track;                                         // A reference to the waypoint-based route we should follow

    private float                                                trackLengthReference = 0;                    // Save the track length distance.
    public Text                                                 Txt_P1;                                        // Display Player 1 position on race
    public Text                                                 Txt_P2;                                        // Display Player 2 position on race
    public Text                                                 Txt_Timer;                                    // Display global timer
    public Text                                                 Txt_P1_Lap;                                    // Display the number of lap for player 1
    public Text                                                 Txt_P2_Lap;                                    // Display the number of lap for Player 2
    public float                                                RefreshPosTime_ = .2f;
    private float                                                RefreshPositionTimer = 0;

    private bool                                                 player2IsManageByCPU = true;                // Know if the player 2 is Manage by the CPU.
    private bool                                                 initDone = false;                            // Know if the Initialialization is done
    public InventoryCar                                         inventoryItemCar;                           // Use to know if LapCOunter is activate for the Race.

    private bool b_Multiplayer = false;
    //private int multiplayerNumber = -1;

    private MCR.GameManager_MCR_Photon gManagerPhoton;

    // --> Initilization
    void Start(){
        if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("Which_GameMode") != "OnlineMultiPlayer")
            b_Multiplayer = true;
            gManagerPhoton = GameObject.Find("GM_Photon").GetComponent<MCR.GameManager_MCR_Photon>();



    private IEnumerator I_Init(){

        if (inventoryItemCar)
            b_ActivateLapCounter = inventoryItemCar.b_LapCounter;

        GameObject tmpObj = GameObject.Find ("Track_Path");
        if (tmpObj) {
            Track = tmpObj.GetComponent<UnityStandardAssets.Utility.WaypointCircuit> ();                    // access the track (car path)


        tmpObj = GameObject.Find ("Game_Manager");
        if (tmpObj) {
            gameManager = tmpObj.GetComponent<Game_Manager> ();                                             // access the Game_Manager

        //Debug.Log("LapStart 1 ");
        yield return new WaitUntil(() => gameManager);
        yield return new WaitUntil(() => gameManager.b_initDone);

       // Debug.Log("LapStart 2 ");

        for (var i = 0; i < gameManager.howManyCarsInRace;i++){
        //Debug.Log("LapStart 3");
        yield return new WaitUntil(() => gameManager.howManyCarsInRace == carPosition.Count);

        //if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("TestMode") == 1) {                                                           // Init if Test Mode Activated
        //if (gameManager.inventoryItemList.inventoryItem[0].b_TestMode == true) {                                // Init if Test Mode Activated

            InitCar ();
        //Debug.Log("LapStart 4 ");
        if (car [0] != null && Txt_P1_Lap) {
            Txt_P1_Lap.text = "Lap " + (car [0].iLapCounter).ToString () + "/" + lapNumber.ToString () ;
        if (car [1] != null && Txt_P2_Lap) {
            Txt_P2_Lap.text = "Lap " + (car [1].iLapCounter).ToString () + "/" + lapNumber.ToString ();

        yield return null;

// --> Init list car and list carController. Call by the Game_Manager or at the beginning of this script if ''Test Mode'' is activated
    public void InitCar(){
        // --> Find car on scene and init Car list carController.
        GameObject[] arrCars = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Car");                           

        foreach (GameObject carFind in arrCars) {
            //Debug.Log("car Name: " +;
            if (carFind.GetComponent<CarController> ()) {
                car [carFind.GetComponent<CarController> ().playerNumber - 1] = carFind.GetComponent<CarPathFollow> ();                    // access component for each car
                carController [carFind.GetComponent<CarController> ().playerNumber - 1] = carFind.GetComponent<CarController> ();        // access component for each car

                if (carFind.GetComponent<CarController> ().playerNumber == 2 && carFind.GetComponent<CarAI> ().enabled == false)        // Know if player 2 is manage by a human Player or CPU
                    player2IsManageByCPU = false;
        initDone = true;                                                                                                                // Init done

// --> Update function
    void Update(){
        if (!b_Pause && initDone) {
            for (var i = 0; i < car.Count; i++) {
                if (car [i] != null) {
                    carLap [i] = car [i].iLapCounter;                                                                        // number of lap for each car
                    carProgressDistance [i] = car [i].progressDistance;                                                        // car progression for each car
            if (Track != null && trackLengthReference == 0)                                                                    // if track
                trackLengthReference = Track.Length;                                                                        // save the track length
            positionOnRace ();                                                                                                // know the position for each car on race

            if(startTimer)                                                                                                    // if the race is started
                F_Timer ();                                                                                                    // Display Timer on screen

        /*if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G))

// --> display timer on screen
    void F_Timer (){

        Timer += Time.deltaTime;
        string minutes = "";
        if(Mathf.Floor(Timer / 60) > 0 && Mathf.Floor(Timer / 60) < 10)
            minutes = Mathf.Floor(Timer / 60).ToString("0");
        if(Mathf.Floor(Timer / 60) >  10)
            minutes = Mathf.Floor(Timer / 60).ToString("00");
        string seconds = Mathf.Floor(Timer % 60).ToString("00");
        string milliseconds = Mathf.Floor((Timer*1000) % 1000).ToString("000");

        if (Txt_Timer){
            if(Mathf.Floor(Timer / 60) == 0)
                Txt_Timer.text = seconds + ":" + milliseconds;
                Txt_Timer.text = minutes + ":" + seconds + ":" + milliseconds;

// --> Display car position on screen
    void positionOnRace (){
        RefreshPositionTimer = Mathf.MoveTowards (RefreshPositionTimer, RefreshPosTime_, Time.deltaTime);

        List<progressionCompare> playersPositions = new List<progressionCompare>();                                // Create a list

        for(int i = 0; i < car.Count; i++){                                                                        // Create the list with name and scores

            float tmpProg = ((carLap [i] * trackLengthReference) + carProgressDistance [i])*1000;

            playersPositions.Add (new progressionCompare(car[i], Mathf.RoundToInt(tmpProg)));

        playersPositions.Sort();                                                                                // sort the list
        playersPositions.Reverse();                                                                                // reverse list   

        for(int i = 0; i < playersPositions.Count; i++){                                                        // Create the list with name and scores
            if (b_Multiplayer)

                if (raceFinished.Count > 0 && raceFinished[0] == false)
                    for (var j = 0; j < gManagerPhoton.tmpCarList.Count; j++)
                        if (gManagerPhoton.tmpCarList[j] && playersPositions[i].car  && gManagerPhoton.tmpCarList[j].gameObject == playersPositions[i].car.gameObject)
                            int tmpPos = int.Parse(gManagerPhoton.tmpCarList[j].name);
                            tmpPos = carListPUN_MCR.instance.HowManyCarsInCurrentRace - tmpPos +1;
                            if (gManagerPhoton.tmpPhotonManagerList[j] && gManagerPhoton.tmpPhotonManagerList[j].GetComponent<PhotonView>().IsMine)
                                if (Txt_P1 && Timer == 0)
                                    Txt_P1.text = tmpPos + "/" + carListPUN_MCR.instance.HowManyCarsInCurrentRace;
                                else if (Txt_P1)
                                    if (RefreshPositionTimer == RefreshPosTime_)
                                        Txt_P1.text = (i + 1) + "/" + carListPUN_MCR.instance.HowManyCarsInCurrentRace;
                                    carPosition[0] = i + 1;

                if (raceFinished.Count > 0 && raceFinished[0] == false)
                    if (playersPositions[i].car == car[0]                                                         // Display on screen Player 1 position
                        && Txt_P1 && Timer == 0)
                        Txt_P1.text = car.Count + "/" + car.Count;
                    else if (playersPositions[i].car == car[0] && Txt_P1)
                        if (RefreshPositionTimer == RefreshPosTime_)
                            Txt_P1.text = (i + 1) + "/" + car.Count;
                        carPosition[0] = i + 1;

                if (raceFinished.Count > 1 && raceFinished[1] == false)
                    if (playersPositions[i].car == car[1]                                                         // Display on Screen player 2 position
                       && Txt_P2
                        && Timer == 0)
                        Txt_P2.text = (car.Count - 1).ToString() + "/" + car.Count;
                    else if (playersPositions[i].car == car[1] && Txt_P2)
                        if (RefreshPositionTimer == RefreshPosTime_)
                            Txt_P2.text = (i + 1) + "/" + car.Count;

                        carPosition[1] = i + 1;


            for (var j = 2; j < raceFinished.Count;j++){
                if (raceFinished.Count > j && raceFinished[j] == false)
                    if (playersPositions[i].car == car[j])
                        carPosition[j] = i + 1;

        if(RefreshPositionTimer == RefreshPosTime_)
            RefreshPositionTimer = 0;

        //-> Prevent a bug if two cars have the same position at the end of the race
        for (int i = 0; i < car.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < car.Count; j++)
                if (car[i] != car[j] &&
                    carPosition[i] == carPosition[j] &&
                    raceFinished[i] &&
                    raceFinished[j] ){
                    int whichPositionIsMissing = -1;                         // Position doesn't exist

                    //Check if carPosition[i]-1 exist (example 2 if carPosition[i] = 3)
                    for (int k = 0; k < car.Count; k++)
                        if(carPosition[k] == carPosition[i]-1){            
                            whichPositionIsMissing = carPosition[i] - 1;

                    if(whichPositionIsMissing == -1){                       // Position doesn't exist
                        if (carTime[i] < carTime[j])
                    else{                                                   // Position exist
                        if (carTime[i] < carTime[j])


// --> Pause
    public void Pause(){
        if (b_Pause) {                                    // -> Stop Pause
            b_Pause = false;
        else {                                            // -> Start Pause
            b_Pause = true;

    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {
        CarPathFollow carPathFollow = other.GetComponent<CarPathFollow> ();
        if (other.tag == "Car" && carPathFollow.iLapCounter < lapNumber+1) {                                                    // A car finish a lap
                if (b_Multiplayer)


                        for (var j = 0; j < gManagerPhoton.tmpCarList.Count; j++)
                            if (gManagerPhoton.tmpCarList[j] && gManagerPhoton.tmpCarList[j].gameObject == other.gameObject)
                                if (gManagerPhoton.tmpPhotonManagerList[j].GetComponent<PhotonView>().IsMine)
                                    if (carPathFollow.iLapCounter <= lapNumber + 1)
                                        Txt_P1_Lap.text = "Lap " + (gManagerPhoton.tmpCarList[j].GetComponent<CarPathFollow>().iLapCounter).ToString() + "/" + lapNumber.ToString();

                    if (carPathFollow.iLapCounter <= lapNumber + 1)
                        if (car[0] != null && car[0].gameObject == other.gameObject && Txt_P1_Lap)
                            Txt_P1_Lap.text = "Lap " + (car[0].iLapCounter).ToString() + "/" + lapNumber.ToString();
                        if (car[1] != null && car[1].name == && Txt_P2_Lap)
                            Txt_P2_Lap.text = "Lap " + (car[1].iLapCounter).ToString() + "/" + lapNumber.ToString();


        if (b_ActivateLapCounter) {
            if (other.tag == "Car" && carPathFollow.iLapCounter >= lapNumber+1) {                                                // A car finish the race
                //Debug.Log ( + " finished the race");
                for (var i = 0; i < car.Count; i++) {
                    if (car[i] != null && car[i].gameObject == other.gameObject && raceFinished[i])
                        carController [i].raceIsFinished = true;       

                    if (car [i] != null && car [i].gameObject == other.gameObject && !raceFinished [i]) {
                        raceFinished [i] = true;
                        carTime [i] = Timer;
                        carController [i].raceIsFinished = true;


                        if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("Which_GameMode") == "OnlineMultiPlayer")
                            #if PHOTON_UNITY_NETWORKING
                            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurrentScore", Mathf.RoundToInt(carTime[i] * 1000));
                            MCR.GameManager_MCR_Photon GM_Photon = GameObject.Find("GM_Photon").GetComponent<MCR.GameManager_MCR_Photon>();

                            StartCoroutine(GM_Photon.WinProcessOnlineMultiplayer(carController[i].gameObject, Mathf.RoundToInt(carTime[i] * 1000)));
                        else if (i == 0 && player2IsManageByCPU) {
                            PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("CurrentScore", Mathf.RoundToInt(carTime [i]*1000));
                            gameManager.RaceIsFinished ();
                        } else if ((i == 0 || i == 1)  && !player2IsManageByCPU && carController [0] != null && carController [0].raceIsFinished && carController [1] != null  && carController [1].raceIsFinished) {
                            gameManager.RaceIsFinished ();

    public void displayLap(CarPathFollow carAddLap){


    void OnDrawGizmos()

        Gizmos.color = GizmoColor;                                                                                    // Create a line between the car position and the target position

        Matrix4x4 cubeTransform = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation, transform.localScale);
        Gizmos.matrix = cubeTransform;


// --> Compare car position 1st, 2nd, 3, or 4
    public class progressionCompare : IComparable<progressionCompare>
        public CarPathFollow car;
        public int total;

        public progressionCompare (CarPathFollow newCar ,int newtotal)
            car = newCar;
            total = newtotal;

        //This method is required by the IComparable
        public int CompareTo(progressionCompare other)
            if(other == null)
                return 1;

            //Return the difference in power.
            return total -;

    void CheckIfNextTrackMustBeUnlocked()
       /* if (carPosition[0] == 1 && PlayerPrefs.GetString("Which_GameMode") == "Arcade")        // The player 1 win the race and Game Mode = Arcade
            if(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "Track_01_CactusCounty")               // If the current scene is:
                PlayerPrefs.SetString("Track_02_RockIsland" + "_Lock", "Unlocked");         // Unlock a Scene
        //Debug.Log("First: " + carPosition[0]);

    public void Online_InitLapCOunter()

I didn’t created this script as I am new in coding and don’t know anything about list. This script is included in race game asset, downloaded from unity store.
I want to know all player positions from another script so that i can compare their positions and adjust AI player car speed according to their position. so for now i just want to know each AI player position from list. please help.

6070761--658197--car position.png

you never said the name of the list

but it will be

public LapCounter lc;

drag your script onto the inspector and then

lc. "name of the list you want to acces " [0]
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I wanted to to check list carPosition values. and i attached a photo also. How your given code will implement in script? please give me an example. I am completely new in coding.

like this

public class newscript: MonoBehaviour {

public LapCounter lc;

void Update(){
1 Like

Ok. thank you so much for your help. I am checking this now.