How to get variables from a list of a list of gameobjects?

I have a list that contains multiple lists of GameObjects in it. I am trying to get access to one of the GameObjects variables.

Here is what I am trying to do:

    private List<GameObject> row1 = new List<GameObject>(3);
    private List<GameObject> row2 = new List<GameObject>(3);
    private List<GameObject> row3 = new List<GameObject>(3);
    private List<List<GameObject>> winning = new List<List<GameObject>>(3);

    void Start () {
        row1.AddRange(new GameObject[] { board[0], board[1], board[2] });
        row2.AddRange(new GameObject[] { board[3], board[4], board[5] });
        row3.AddRange(new GameObject[] { board[6], board[7], board[8] });

        winning.AddRange(new List<GameObject>[] { row1, row2, row3});

    bool CheckForWin()

        foreach (List<GameObject> possiblity in winning)
        return false;

You need another foreach inside the one you already have.

foreach (List<GameObject> possiblity in winning)
        foreach(GameOject g in possibility)