Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to get the direction name (up, down, left, right) from Vector2 Composite. I’m making my own InputSystem handler, but I have to somehow get to the direction of the binding. Is it possible to get it by code at runtime?
The name of the part is stored in InputBinding.name
. For the “Movement” action in your screenshot, there will be an InputBinding with isComposite==true and name==Direction and then four bindings with isPartOfComposite==true and “name” corresponding to one direction.
With the about-to-be-pushed 1.1-preview (slightly delayed but going through QA ATM) you’ll be able to go through this in code like so
var movement = playerInput.actions["Movement"];
var composite = movement.ChangeCompositeBinding("Direction");
var up = composite.NextPartBinding("Up");
var down = composite.NextPartBinding("Down");
var left = composite.NextPartBinding("Left");
var right = composite.NextPartBinding("Right");
Debug.Log($"Up is bound to {up.binding.path}");
Debug.Log($"Down is bound to {down.binding.path}");
Debug.Log($"Left is bound to {left.binding.path}");
Debug.Log($"Right is bound to {right.binding.path}");
Thank you! I did something like that and it works too.
string partString = string.Empty;
string bindingName = bindings[bindingIndex].name;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bindingName))
NameAndParameters nameParameters = NameAndParameters.Parse(bindingName);
partString = nameParameters.name;