Unity nub here, this is my first question and I’m hoping since I was unable to locate the answer here or elsewhere that this quite obvious nub question isn’t going to be met with a slew of experts telling me to google it. It has to be simple, and I’m probably an idiot, but I can’t figure it the hell out and I just spent 30 minutes on Bing looking for this to no avail.
I’m scripting in C# btw (Can’t stand JS syntax).
Basically, I have a First Person Controller and a Cube object in my little scene I’ve got. I want to have the cube hover above the player (for research and learning purposes). So far I’ve made it rotate all sorts a funky ways with transform.rotate(Vector3), but when I tried to do transform.position(position of camera + .5y*) I realized I can’t figure out how to get the current Vector3 position of the Controller.