How to get wav length from web?

Hi there.

I created the method in SomeClass.

    public IEnumerator GetLengthSoundFromURL (string url)
        WWW www = new WWW (url);
        yield return www; // (1)
        // seconds
        float length = audioClip.length;
        // set to property there !!!!
        SoundLength = length;
        yield return null; // (2)

I call the method from other class.

    private IEnumerator CallGetLengthSoundFromURL ()
        yield return AudioSystem.Instance.GetLengthSoundFromURL (wavURL);
        // it is old SoundLength data...
        falot soundLength = someClass.SoundLength;
        Debug.Log (soundLength);

But, the length’s data is old.

I guess it return from (1)
But, I want to it to wait until (2).

Could you tell me how to wait until (2) point?

You have asked Unity to fetch something using the WWW class. Where do you tell Unity that it’s an audio clip? Isn’t that what:

is for?