How to get webplayer loader value (percentage)?

Hello EveryBody over there,

I want to know that when we lauch unity webplayer its shows a loader. Its ok… but i want to know how many percentage of content is loaded. I meant to say percent value of progress bar. Is it possible or somebody know then please tell me how to get the value?

Thanking you.

can anyone please?

i saw that answer once in the burgzerg arcade tutorial.

try searching more in the unity scripting reference , it’s very helpfull

is it possible for mobile platform (Android iphone); ?

thank u very much foxter888, i show that link which u provided and i know it, but what i want to do when when unity web player completely load a scene thenafter i want to do something and that i done it by externalcall from csharp when my scene is loaded. anyway i solved my problem. thank u very much once again…

can i know the answer how you get that solution …