How to getComponent from custom node.

I’ve searched the docs and the forums and cannot figure out how to do this. I’m creating a custom node. I just want to get a component of the gameobject that the graph is connected to.

Looking for something like This.GetComponent().myVariable;

 protected override void Definition()
            startState = ControlInput("start", OnStart);
            updateState = ControlInput("update", OnUpdate);
            exitState = ControlInput("exit", OnExit);

            startStateFinished = ControlOutput("Start Finished");
                        isStateFinished = ValueOutput<bool>("IsStateFinished", (flow) => isStateFinishedValue);
            onStateUpdate = ControlOutput("On Update");
            exitStateFinished = ControlOutput("Exit Finished");

        protected virtual ControlOutput OnStart(Flow flow)
            //GET COMPONENT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            isStateFinishedValue = false;
            return startStateFinished;

flow.stack.self :slight_smile:

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Thanks! looked forever could not find that.

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