How to handle draggable items?

So, I want to have a player inventory with n slots, which when shown onscreen, the player is able to drag items around to put them in different slots. Im not sure whether I should have every item exist as a gameobject and just be parented to the item slot it is currently in or to assign an item variable to every ItemSlot.


It might be a good idea to watch a few inventory tutorials where these issues are discussed.

And it might also be a good idea to separate the data and your visualization of the items the player can pick and transfer between inventories etc. i.e. you could start a drag from the game world where there is a 3D model. Then you would show an icon representation of the object while dragging it. And when the drag ends up to an inventory slot, the item would be stored as an item data object in your inventory and it would be represented in your inventory visualization with a 2D icon.