I’m doing a solar system simulation. It includes planets, a sun and spacecrafts.
To simulate the physics, I use Rigidbodies with gravity turned off. I then have a script that goes trough every pair of rigidbodies to apply a 3D-gravitational force to them according to Newtons universal law of gravitation.
This has worked for testing but now I noticed that Rigidbody.mass has a maximum of 1e9. This is a problem because I can’t have a satelite with e.g. 0.2t (rigidbody.mass == 0.2 with my current system of units) and planet (let alone a sun) with e.g. 5e21t (rigidbody.mass == 5e21 with my current system of units).
Do you have any idea how to solve that issue? I’d like to stick as close to unity’s physics standard because it runs more reliably (I am willing to use packages though).
Thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it!