There seems to be an issue with sprite asset alignment inside text in UI Toolkit or I’m doing something wrong.
My sprite is setup with the pivot in the center, but the pivot doesn’t seem to even affect the final result. The sprite is placed beside the previous text character from the center so the left half of the sprite overlaps the previous characters in the text and the right side of the sprite has a buffer the size that you would expect from the half width + mini buffer. I am currently compensating by adding 4 spaces before the sprite which more or less gives a matching space on either side.
For the below, the sprite will overlap the last “bla” by half the width of the sprite and the right side of the sprite, before the word “said”, will have a space the size of half the width of the sprite plus a small buffer more or less:
"Bla bla bla<sprite="spriteName" name="spriteName">said the fox"
Am I doing something wrong here??