How would I handle Z clipping for Rigidbodys in unity?
The best solution for z-fighting is simply to not have two overlapping polygons in the exact same plane. Move the triangles or the grass plane a little bit up or down.
There is something called depth-bias but that’s usually a measure of last resort.
These objects are rigidbodys and can often end up on the same plane/terrain due to gravity.
Colliders don’t have to be identical to the rendered mesh. It’s actually a good practice to use a simpler mesh for colliders for performance reasons. Often it’s even sufficient to use a simple box, sphere or capsule collider instead of a mesh collider.
Even with a mesh collider you can probably give it a different transform that the rendered mesh (but haven’t checked).
Adding 0.01 to all angles of the collider stops the Z fighting when the rigidbody is not moving.
For HDRP what other methods can be used for fighting Z clipping?
Why do you need a different solution for HDRP?
to solve z clipping when snapping objects to eachother.