How to have a scene ready loaded for switching?

Either I am not getting Scene Loading in Unity or I am too dense…

When Initializing my game, I want to preload a bunch of stuff while showing a loading bar and once everything is done, I want to switch to the scene containing the actual gameplay level. To not block myself by initializing sequentially - considering I got I-net calls in there - I built a system where each module has an initialization that gets started in a co-routine and will let the GameManager know via a callback once the initialization is completed.

public int InitializeAllModules()
        foreach (IInitializable module in _moduleInitializationState.Keys)
            Debug.Log(string.Format(LocalizationManager.instance.GetTranslationFor("time-init-mod"), Time.time, module));
            // Updating of loading bar and some other bookkeeping omitted
        return _modulesToLoad;

Worked great when setting it up and testing the loading, but now I added the module that is supposed to handle the loading of my next level. So I wrote this Initialize function for that module:

    AsyncOperation operation;

    public IEnumerator Initialize(Action<IInitializable> endCallback)
        operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("GameScene");
        operation.allowSceneActivation = false;
        operation.priority = 1;
        yield return operation;

Now my problem is that - since I yield for the AsyncOperation and apparently from what I found on the web .allowSceneActivation = false makes the loading process incomplete until the bool is switched - my SceneLoader gets stuck and never reports to my GameManager that it’s done. Thus my GameManager has no clue that it should just tell the SceneLoader to .allowSceneActivation = true - unless I make some roundabout hack that makes an exception to the way the SceneLoader is handled.

Ideally what I would want is:

  • SceneLoader preloads the scene
  • Unity’s SceneManager knows it has two scenes loaded
  • GameManager gets the “all clear” from all modules
  • GameManager tells the SceneManager to switch and unload the initial “loading screen” scene…

but it seems that Unity doesn’t support that…???

Or am I missing something somewhere?

Is there a way to make it still work they way I want? Or do I have to find some dirty hack to set the flag whenever everything else is done loading?

with allowSceneActivation you say that it has to stop when it reaches 90%.

link text

What I think you want here is to know when it is ready to do some stuff (blending some screens etc) before the scene is to set active.

So the first problem might be that you set allowSceneActivation to false in every frame, so it doesn’ matter if you change it from the outside.

Consider using SceneManager.SetActiveScene(“GameScene”); instead of loading just partly.

I use the SceneController from this Tutorial: link text

There you have LoadSceneAndSetActive vs LoadSceneAdditive (+ later SetActiveScene)