How to have only one boolean true?


I have a couple of booleans, and I want to have only one true. Does anybody have any idea how to do this?

You could either use the Enumerator concept to have a single boolean to store different states.

Or you can write down a function in which you pass an argument as a number.
In that function write down a switch case for that number and depending on the number set a specific boolean to true and others to false right there itself.
right multiple cases for different booleans depending on the number’s value.
But this is just tedious, I would just suggest that you go for the enumerator concept.

Note: if this helps, mark as solved.

If you have several booleans and you only want one to be true at a time, I would suggest using an Enumerator.

This code should be able to demonstrate how an enumerator (enum) and a switch-case could work to your needs.

  • GetInput() : Depending on the input, a state is assigned.
  • DetermineState() : Then a switch is used to generate different outcomes based on that state

Create a new scene, then attach the following script to the camera. Hit play, then alternately press one of the mouse buttons or the space bar. Watch the GUI box.


#pragma strict

enum AllStates

var myState : AllStates = AllStates.Idle; // or just = 0;

var guiString : String ="";

function Update() 

function GetInput() 
	if ( Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) )
		myState = AllStates.LMB;
	if ( Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) )
		myState = AllStates.RMB;
	if ( Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2) )
		myState = AllStates.MMB;
	if ( Input.GetKeyDown( KeyCode.Space ) )
		myState = AllStates.Spacebar;

function DetermineState() 
	switch ( myState )
		case AllStates.LMB :
			guiString = "LEFT mouse button";
		case AllStates.MMB :
			guiString = "MIDDLE mouse button";
		case AllStates.RMB :
			guiString = "RIGHT mouse button";
		case AllStates.Spacebar :
			guiString = "Space Bar";
		default :
			guiString = "none";

function OnGUI() 
	GUI.Box( Rect( 20, 20, 200, 30 ), guiString );