How to hide cursor for amount of time?

I want to hide the cursor for 4 seconds and show it back, because my main menu has a fade out intro and I don’t want to show the cursor when the screen is still black. Thanks for any help. I’m new to code. Doesn’t matter if is javaScript or C#.

You could probably create a variable and set it equal to Time.time, then have the cursor come back when Time.time equals the variable plus 4. So something like this should get you started (C#):

Screen.showCursor = false;

private float momentFadeStart = Time.time;

if(momentFadeStart >= Time.time + 4){
    Screen.showCursor = true;

How about this?

public float HideTime;

void Start() {
    Screen.showCursor = false;

IEnumerator ShowCursorAfter(float hideTime) {
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(hideTime);
    Screen.showCursor = true;