Hi there, when I upgraded Unity to version 6000 and Polyspatial to version 2.1.2, I noticed that the borders of the Volume are visible during runtime. I don’t want the users to see them. What should I do?
Hi there! Thanks for reporting this issue.
Unfortunately, I’m not aware of any way to hide that border. Those visuals are coming from visionOS, not Unity, and I’m not seeing anything in the documentation about volumetric windows that indicates it can be hidden. As far as I know, this is just what you see when you create a volumetric window.
As for why this happened when you upgraded: I think you’re seeing this as a result of the upgrade to visionOS 2.0, not PolySpatial. I’m not aware of anything we changed between Polyspatial 1.x and 2.x which would cause these visuals to start appearing. I could be wrong, though
Could you give us a little more context here? Did you have an existing project that didn’t show these borders, and they started appearing after upgrading to Unity 6? Are you starting something fresh on Unity 6 after using PolySpatial in 2022.3? I can do a quick test of a PolySpatial 1.x app on visionOS 2 to verify, but I’m fairly certain this is just something that changed in visionOS.
Thanks again for reaching out.
Right… I’ve had a chance to refresh my memory a bit on this one. That frame is part of the volume resize affordance that was added in visionOS 2. That explains why it wasn’t around in visionOS 1. Here is a screen shot from the Xcode default visionOS app project built for visionOS 1, running in the visionOS 1.2 simulator:
You can’t see it, but my mouse cursor is hovering over the corner of the volume. I’m unable to get the borders to appear by hovering anywhere inside or on the border of the volume.
And here is a screenshot of that same app in the visionOS 2.2 simulator:
Note the default volume size is much smaller, and here you can see me hovering my mouse over the corner of the volume affordance. Because I’m on the corner, I can see that extra rounded outline indicating that I can resize the volume. Unfortunately, even if I try using the windowResiability decorator on the WindowGroup to specify .contentSize
resizing (which means the user can’t resize the volume), I still see the affordance when I hover over it. I just can’t resize the volume; if I click and drag on the corner, it only moves a little and snaps right back. It seems that this is an intentional design decision coming from Apple to always show resize affordances, even for volumes that can’t be resized. I speculate about the reasoning behind this: since the volume is “there” but has no content, you want some indication of how big it is, since it will occlude other volumes and windows even when it’s just a bunch of empty space.
Anyway, if you’d like the ability to hid this border, please submit feedback to Apple using their Feedback Assistant. As always, it’s possible that I’ve missed something in the documentation about how to modify the visibility of this border, but even after a few different Google searches and asking ChatGPT, I couldn’t come up with anything. If you find a way to hide it, please let us know!
Thanks again, and good luck!
Thank you very much for your detailed response, mtschosen. I encountered this issue when upgrading from Unity 2022.3.26f1 to Unity 6000.0.32f1 and from Polyspatial 1.3.9 to 2.1.2. This was unexpected, as I want my program to be able to open multiple bounded volumes, but I do not want to see this corner because it interferes with the information visible to the user. I will provide my feedback to Apple. Additionally, I hope you can take a look at this issue: calling VolumeCamera.CloseWindow()
and VolumeCamera.OpenWindow()
in the application has no effect. I also found blog posts discussing similar problems, and I have included both links below. Thank you again for your response!
Hm… I’m not sure about that one. I’ll have to do some tests or ask the team if anyone is aware of issues relating to these APIs.
Sounds like you were able to connect with @vcheung-unity about this over on your other post who is the expert on this subject. You’re in capable hands
Thank you for your encouragement😀