how to highlight a disabled button?

I just learned how to use the fantastic Navigation tool between buttons so i can play my game with controller.

My question is:
How do I “highlight” a button that is non-interactable.
The reason why it is not interactable is because I you need to pick up an item in order to equip the item.
If you have the item, the buttons is interactable…
But when Im selecting the non-interactable button, there is no indication that I’m on top of it.
But if I keep pressing down to another button that is interactable (Because I picked up that item)
the button is highlighted. Hope that make sense…

If it isn’t possible to highlight a button even if its de-activated. Any ideas what I should do instead?

Are you using uGUI or UI Toolkit?

UI only :confused:

I assume by “UI” you mean “UI Toolkit, formally named UIElements” and you use UXML/USS/VisualElement.

If that’s the case, how are you making your buttons non-interactable in the first place? Are you disabling them via the SetEnabled() API?

Sorry late reply.
I had to keep all buttons active and inside the script i made code saying
If Item >= 1 and button pressed → Something will happen
Nothing happens when button pressed

Thus I could navigate the UI menu and I could use the UI Inspector to say “If button is highlighted, this color”

I could help more if I could confirm this assumption is correct:

You could also confirm this by sharing some of your code.