How to hit objects in VR

I am trying to build a pressable button in Unity using SteamVR. However, before I can do that I need to be able to hit objects with the controllers and make them move. Any ideas on how to push objects in VR?

I ended up writing a script to create and embed capsule colliders in the fingers of the hands Oculus provided. They use a SkinnedMeshRenderer which sets itself up dynamically based on bones and such. Not sure exactly how it works on their end. With the ability to collide, you can detect how far the button or another object moved from its initial position to do something with. After you process the DoSomething(), reset the button (or object) to its original position.

Ah. What would that do with a biped IK rig with colliders? If wanting to make the IK rig manipulatable from those colliders, so that an IK rigged biped’s torso looks pushed by hands when it’s hands stay in a spot, how would recommend doing that?