How to I get a video to play on a mesh

I would like part of my mesh to play a video. For example, I have a head and I want the cheek (or other spots) to play video on them. I have tried:

  1. Applying a material that uses a render texture playing the video, this just results in the entire head just changing color of like a single pixel of the video. I have tried tiling it and it only changes the effect slightly.
  2. Using a projector: Unity - Manual: Projector component . This results in either not working at all on the mesh, or the same effect as 1. The projector works on spheres, cubes, planes, etc…

What could I try that could work? I tried using some lower poly meshes to see if they would work, but they create the same effect as with the high resolution head I am using.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Sounds like you didn’t unwrap the model properly. Look up UV unwrap.

You would probably want to make the model with multiple separate models, OR multiple separate meshes, so the video only plays where you want it on a single material.

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That worked perfectly, did a smart unwrap in blender. Thank you!!!

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