How to I make a seperate ui appear on button click?,How do I make a button open a gui In my current canvas?

I am new and I wanna make on button click () reference a ui from the same canvas to toggle its visibility or change its position.
Click:Gets Gui: Shows it
*So I can make the gui much more * customizable
Visibility or position will help just please give me some help.
I want to make a ui button open a separate gui/toggle its visibility because I wanna customize the ui easier, (Click button: Opens gui from its own canvas If needed to be in the same canvas then somehow move to the screen preferred but toggle its visibility from invis to vis then click the button to close it/turn it invis.

Take a look on the tutorials. They are pretty good. Start here, if it’s about UI: Unity UI Tutorials
More specific for your question you should watch this: Creating A Main Menu