How to ignore specific folder and childrens?

After copy some folder from another project to this project via windows 11 file explorer,

Right click to specific folder, select Unity version control → select Add to ignored list,

but then only 3 item shows that says .cs, and other .cs

So there is no option that completely ignore that folder and all files inside that folder.

Why and how to solve this?


Hi, using the Plastic GUI, I can add a folder and subfolders to the ignore list via the “Workspace Explorer” view:

Are you using the Unity plugin? What version?

of course I am using only Unity plugin, always newest version.

So now should I use that separate window application?


No, you should not need to, but if you can try it from there and see if its working that can help to focus the problem.

There is also the situation in which files inside the folder are already controlled, which means that they already have versions uploaded to the cloud and to ignore them you need to delete them and checkin the deletion first, can this be the case?

If its not the case, Can you reach us at and attach a copy of your logs folder?

I have tried to reproduce the issue with windows 11 and newest plugin version with no luck.