Hi Expert,
I found this website with this word flying effect ( http://www.unity3d8.com/content/welcome动感特效 ). May I know how to implement it? Thanks.
Hi Expert,
I found this website with this word flying effect ( http://www.unity3d8.com/content/welcome动感特效 ). May I know how to implement it? Thanks.
Well. This is what I’d do.
make a bunch of textures (with transparency) of words you want to fly by (photoshop or similar is your best friend)
instantiate randomly (or in order) a bunch of gameobjects (planes probably would be good) with those textures on them (the shader would have to be one that can be transparent)
start them off really far from the camera, and with random offsets to the center of the cameras view
move them slowly forward, ever closer to the camera (transform.translate or similar)
when they have passed the camera, destroy the gameobject, perhaps taking it into account, so you can respawn later the same one again if you want. (or just move them back to the beginning, depending how many/how frequently you wanna show them)
other things to consider:
Good luck!