How to implement wind for a projectile motion?

I have already done a projectile using mouse buttons and all. Now everytime i kick a ball there should be a random wind amount so that i kick the ball and the force changes according to the wind. For eg take the pocket tanks game evertime it generates a random wind value. That random wind i can generate through random function but i am not getting how to change the force direction and all.

Here is the script i have used

Rigidbody initialBall = null;
public Rigidbody ball;

Vector2 firstPressPos;

Vector2 secondPressPos;

Vector2 currentSwipe;

float xAngle, yAngle;

void Start () 

public void SpawnBall()
	initialBall = (Rigidbody)Instantiate(ball, transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.3f, 3f), Quaternion.identity);

void Update () 
   			firstPressPos = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x,Input.mousePosition.y);

    		secondPressPos = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x,Input.mousePosition.y);

        	currentSwipe = new Vector2(secondPressPos.x - firstPressPos.x, secondPressPos.y - firstPressPos.y); 

    		if(currentSwipe.y > 0 )
        		yAngle += currentSwipe.y * 40f;

    		if(currentSwipe.x < 0 )
				xAngle += currentSwipe.x * 20f;

    		if(currentSwipe.x > 0 )
        		xAngle += currentSwipe.x * 20f;

			if(yAngle> 300)
				initialBall.AddForce(xAngle, yAngle, yAngle);
			xAngle = 0f;
			yAngle = 0f;

Wind is just another force, like gravity. It’s represented by a vector that points in the wind direction.

A good method to give you a random wind direction and force is Random.insideUnitySphere.

float MaxWindForce = 5;
Vector3 windForce = Random.insideUnitSphere * MaxWindForce;

Then do an AddForce on your ball each frame (scaling the force by Time.deltaTime), or use ConstantForce.

initialBall.AddForce(windForce * Time.deltaTime);

Since the force is a vector, you can get the strength of the wind by using the vector magnitude.

float strength = windForce.magnitude;