How to import bitmap fonts?

It seems a little ridiculous that Windows can easily generate this:
but when I use TextMeshPro I get this abomination:

What am I doing wrong? It seems like the sample point size is running on some magical pixel-fraction unit rather than actual pixels.

Are you trying to just create a bitmap font asset?

Are you specifically targeting 12 point size?

What font file are you using?

Yes, I’m just trying to make a bitmap font asset, and I’m using a TTF font.

I’m targeting 12 point size because at least in the Window font previewer, it seems to give me a pixel-to-pixel representation of my font.

The reason I am asking for the specific font file is because some font files are designed for specific point size unlike other font files using scalable glyphs.

Font files designed for specific point size must be rendered at that specific point size otherwise they will not render correctly.

What is the specific font file you are using?

I ended up using Unity UI text at size 16 instead, but thanks for your help.