Hi there,
do you see any way how to improve the performance of this method?
The moment it reaches the data.treeInstances = _treeList.ToArray();
the game freezes for 1-3 seconds. And I don’t want to imagine how long it will freeze on my team member’s PCs…
Some explanaition:
there are around 7000 trees, created with help of the terrain tool
the trees that shall be removed were calculated in another method and added to the list of the area included the trees.
public static IEnumerator RemoveTrees()
{TerrainData data = Terrain.activeTerrain.terrainData; TreeInstance[] treeInstances = data.treeInstances; List<TreeInstance> treesForRemoval = new List<TreeInstance>(); foreach (BuildingArea area in _buildingAreas) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); if (area.IsBought == true) { if (area.HasTrees == true) { treesForRemoval.AddRange(area.treeRemovalList.ToArray()); area.HasTrees = false; } } } // remove trees _treeList.RemoveAll(x => treesForRemoval.Contains(x)); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); // replace trees on terrain data.treeInstances = _treeList.ToArray(); yield return null;