how to include localization package in upm package for distribution

I am unsing Unity’s localization package and I am trying to build a package that other apps will include and use from the unity package manager (UPM).
Any ideas how to do this?
Thanks in advance

What do you need your package to support? will you be including assets in the package, such as string tables or will it just be code?

code and string tables for my prefabs localization

You should be able to include the string tablle collection and it’s files in the package. When imported the system will automatically create locales if they are missing. For code it should be fine, you will need to add a dependency in the package.json file so that the package gets pulled in automatically.

Thanks Karl. It took some trying and error but finally it worked. most of the work was due to the fact that the string tables and addressables group tabs were kept on and there seemed to be a bit of refresh issue there.
The way I was able to make it work was to import the package A containing the localization into another project that was using it. At this point I had to import the localization package my project and select the package A localization settings as the default settings for my project. Then I needed to open the localization settings and select “Add All”. Then I needed to open the addressables group and in Default group I needed to select the settings and select all the labels that came from the Locales. I also needed to make the package A localization settings addressable. At this point, for some reason not all the localization addressables groups were available and this is what caused me some issues. Then, unfortunately cant remember what exactly happened besides closing the addressables tab and reopenning it and the missing localization addressables appeared. I build the addressables and then deployed and all worked perfectly.
Hope this helps as an explanation.
If by any chance you have an idea why the localization addressables groups were not visible or what exactly I need to do to male sure they are please let me know.

If you imported the package first or added it as a package dependency then it should have automatically sorted the addressables issues on import.

Hi Karl,
I am running into another issue with this project.
Here is my setup:
Package A containing a prefab with LocalizeStringEvent component to update a TMP, localization settings (as addressable), localization locales and the addressables folder (boiler plate files created when made the localization settings addressable).
Project X depending on Package A loading the its prefab and displaying it. At this point I am expecting to be able to change the language and things to display properly.

  1. When I build the Project X, I selected in Project Settings → Localization as active settings the Package A’s localization settings or I create new localization settings for belonging to Project X. I chose the second one and clicked the Add All but then when I go in the Addressables Group I can see only the locales from Package A (Localization - Locales) but not the Localization-String-Tables-… Also I only see the label Locales and not the Locale-en also for example. If I chose to have the active localization settings the same as Package A then all seems to work properly but I am not sure it is the right thing.
  2. when I build the addressables for package A it also creates a bin file. Does this file need to be commited to the repo? From my testing I saw that I can just ignore it and everything will still work.
  3. Because of question 1 having multiple options, I am wondering what will be the impact in terms of changes for files/assets on Project X if I decide to add another locale or another string table to Package A. Does it mean that when reimporting the Package A in Project X I will have to update 35 or so assets/files and commit them to the repo?

I understand that answering these questions might be a bit long to write but I would be more then happy to jump on a zoom call if that is easier and then I can post images of the solution here.

Thanks in advance and really appreciate your help so far with all my questions.

Hi. Ill dm you, I think a zoom call would be easier.