How to increase GL.Lines width?????Help me.

I Use GL.Lines draw several lines,I want to change its size…But I cannot find any function can do such a thing In GL Class…any oni helps me.

if you want to draw thicker lines, you should use quads instead.

There’s no way to make GL.LINES any more than 1 pixel. I would (naturally) recommend Vectrosity for line-drawing…among other things, lines can be whatever width you like.


Actually, I was going to recommend vectrocity as well, though I have not used it.

I think it uses ongui calls, which are notoriusly slow though…

It does not.


So it doesn’t use unitygui 2? If so, that is good news as I was thinking of purchasing a couple of copies myself.

It creates meshes. So, if a line doesn’t need to be updated, it takes 0 CPU power (aside from what’s needed just to have an object in the scene).


Excellent! So it will work for drawing a grid on terrain (along with appropriate depth sorting)? I can finally say goodbye to gl.lines then…

Well, I’d be inclined to use a projector for drawing a grid on a terrain.
