How to increase run speed to a maximum while a run button is held

Edit:I’m very new to Unity and only just starting to grasp the basics here.

The idea is to have a button, which when pressed will slowly add speed onto the normal walk speed until a maximum running speed is reached. I’d tried this:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Mario : MonoBehaviour {

	public Transform mario;
	public int marioMax = 20;
	public int marioWalk = 7;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {

		//Mario can move left and right
		mario.Translate (Vector3.right * marioWalk * Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime);

		//a button can be pressed to make Mario run

		if (Input.GetButtonDown ("KeyCode.LeftShift")) {
		//if a button is pressed take mario's walking speed and slowly increase to it a maximum
			mario.Translate (Vector3.right* ForceMode.Acceleration * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime);

But it doesn’t work, getting 3 errors:

Assets/Scripts/Mario.cs(26,50): error CS0019: Operator *' cannot be applied to operands of type UnityEngine.Vector3’ and `UnityEngine.ForceMode’

Assets/Scripts/Mario.cs(26,31): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `UnityEngine.Transform.Translate(UnityEngine.Vector3)’ has some invalid arguments

Assets/Scripts/Mario.cs(26,31): error CS1503: Argument #1' cannot convert object’ expression to type `UnityEngine.Vector3’

I think it’s because I can’t have vector3 and forcemode.acceleration together, but I could be wrong. I also know I’m not telling it that marioMax is the top speed, but have no idea how to implement that. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Translate moves GameObject Transform, while Force mode is a parameter of AddForce method that you call on rigidBody component, which is not your case.

Just change line

   mario.Translate (Vector3.right* ForceMode.Acceleration * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime);


   mario.Translate (Vector3.right* marioMax * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime);