How to initialize a boolean only once when used in a function when called OnGUI

I’ve been building a dropdown function to place online for others trying to make something similar. I want to be able to use this same function in multiple instances throughout a GUI. I couldn’t find a way to return more than one variable and this will later be return the choice of the menu. Here’s what I have so far:

var show : boolean = false;
function List(headbox : Rect, dropheight : float, listheader : String, list : String[])
	//reference # for list element
	var selection : int = 0;
	//fullbox starts at the bottom of the headbox
	var fullbox : Rect = Rect(headbox.xMin, headbox.yMax, headbox.width, dropheight);
	if(GUI.Button(headbox, listheader + ": " + list[selection]))
		if(show != true)
			show = true;
			show = false;
		GUI.Box(fullbox, " ");
		for(var l : int = 0; l < list.length; l++)
			var entryystartpoint : float = fullbox.yMin + (l * (fullbox.height/list.length));
			var entryheight : float = (fullbox.height/list.length);
			if(GUI.Button(Rect(fullbox.xMin, entryystartpoint,fullbox.width, entryheight), list[l]))
				selection = l;
				show = false;

Sample calling:

var lister : String[] = new String[4];
lister[0] = "element 1";
lister[1] = "element 2";
lister[2] = "element 3";
lister[3] = "element 4";

function OnGUI()
    List(Rect(50, 150, 150, 50), 150, "Choose one", lister);

I’ve seen several attempts online and the unify javascript example doesn’t work so is there a way to send multiple variables back or pass by reference the Boolean? Thanks!

One way (not quite popular) is to use an out parameter. You can then return the boolean via the out parameter.

Another way is to put your current return value and the boolean into a class, and return that.

It’s up to you to choose which is best for your scenario.