I’ve been building a dropdown function to place online for others trying to make something similar. I want to be able to use this same function in multiple instances throughout a GUI. I couldn’t find a way to return more than one variable and this will later be return the choice of the menu. Here’s what I have so far:
var show : boolean = false;
function List(headbox : Rect, dropheight : float, listheader : String, list : String[])
//reference # for list element
var selection : int = 0;
//fullbox starts at the bottom of the headbox
var fullbox : Rect = Rect(headbox.xMin, headbox.yMax, headbox.width, dropheight);
if(GUI.Button(headbox, listheader + ": " + list[selection]))
if(show != true)
show = true;
show = false;
GUI.Box(fullbox, " ");
for(var l : int = 0; l < list.length; l++)
var entryystartpoint : float = fullbox.yMin + (l * (fullbox.height/list.length));
var entryheight : float = (fullbox.height/list.length);
if(GUI.Button(Rect(fullbox.xMin, entryystartpoint,fullbox.width, entryheight), list[l]))
selection = l;
show = false;
Sample calling:
var lister : String[] = new String[4];
lister[0] = "element 1";
lister[1] = "element 2";
lister[2] = "element 3";
lister[3] = "element 4";
function OnGUI()
List(Rect(50, 150, 150, 50), 150, "Choose one", lister);
I’ve seen several attempts online and the unify javascript example doesn’t work so is there a way to send multiple variables back or pass by reference the Boolean? Thanks!